Symptoms of Life

9 thoughts on “Symptoms of Life”

  1. Hi Celeste, no 1. You are not alone. We all belong to the same life, the
    fullness around us. And yes, there is so much cruelty and so many facades.
    You have your choice to seek those who understand.
    Love people, smile a good morning.
    I feel the pain of the world like you but I also cherish each day on this planet. Most of my writing will show that – I hope. 😊 .

    So Celeste, dance to the song of life and don’t fear the minutes and hours.
    What has that got to do with the whole.



    1. Hi Miriam,

      thank you for your sweet message and your advice ❤ I'm learning and I'm beginning to see the beauty in everything. Life is hard sometimes, but it's even more beautiful. And I love how you say this!

      I am going to check out your blog, I'm getting curious now!

      Take care,

      Liked by 2 people

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